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Political opinions are divided on Trump

Latest Pew poll: Republicans largely satisfied, Democrats pessimistic
February 13, 2025
February 11, 2025
Better or worse government? Americans are divided. Source: Pew Research Center

Americans' reactions to the fireworks of decrees and proposals by the new US President Donald Trump — around three weeks after his inauguration — is mixed. According to a recent survey by the American Pew Institute, 41% expect Trump to improve the government's work, but 42% expect that he will worsen it. 28% think that his previous actions were better than expected, 35% that they were worse than expected. Nevertheless, a total of almost half (47%) of respondents are satisfied with Trump's job performance, a figure that the Republican never achieved in his first term of office until 2020. However, this level of approval is lower than at the start of the terms of office of most other US presidents before.

Almost half of those surveyed expect less honesty.


The opinions are divided between the Republican and Democratic camps. While 65% of Republicans are completely satisfied with their hyperactive president, the figure among Democrats is only 12%. Republicans are also more optimistic about the future: 89% believe 2025 will be better than 2024, among Democrats 78% who believe the new year will be worse. Trust in the new administration's honesty and high ethical standards is limited: 47% of Americans expect levels to fall under Trump's leadership, 31% expect levels to improve.


Billionaire Elon Musk is met with resistance from the majority of Democrats

Trump's selection of personnel is also not met with undivided approval: 52% disapprove of them, 46% have nothing against it. According to the Pew Survey Institute, these figures are in line with those at the start of his first term of office. The staffing table also shows the country's social and political division. A large majority of Republicans like it, an equally large majority of Democrats reject it. One of the most controversial figures is Tesla boss Elon Musk, whom Trump has commissioned to de-bureaucratize the government apparatus. 54% of Americans oppose the appointment of the billionaire, especially the Democrats (85%) and even around a quarter (24%) of the Republicans. 5086 people were interviewed for the survey. gd


(You can read the full survey here: