
news & views

News & Views on Foreign Relations & Diplomacy

is an online medium for news and analyses on foreign policy and diplomacy, founded in Berlin in 2024. The editorial office is located in the House of the Federal Press Conference in Berlin's government district.


Ewald König,
+49 30 4000 4630
+49 151 2162 7154

Ewald König started as an editor at the Austrian newspaper DIE PRESSE in Vienna. From 1985 he worked as Germany correspondent in Bonn and Berlin. He was chairman of the Association of Foreign Press in Germany and from 2009 to 2014 editor-in-chief and publisher of the European political media Ewald König has worked as a freelancer for many years and founded the Berliner Korrespondentenbüro, among other things. He has written several books about the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 2020, he was awarded the "Goldene Ehrenzeichen" in honour for his service to the Republic of Austria.

For more information about Ewald König: and  

Gudrun Dometeit, Editor-in-Chief
+49 30 4000 4630
+49 170 2817 019

Gudrun Dometeit was Moscow correspondent and national political correspondent in the Hamburg office of Deutsche Presse-Agentur. At Focus magazine, she was head of the foreign affairs department until 2024, and at times also headed the politics and economics departments. Since the end of 2024, the political scientist and Slavicist has been working for

Gülfem Dodur, Journalist
+49 30 4000 4630
+49 157 3817 1139

Mrs. Huong To
Director of Marketing and Corporate Affairs
+49 30 4000 4630
+49 172 2545 904



Author for international politics. Head of foreign affairs at Funke Zentralredaktion in Berlin until 2023, previously deputy editor-in-chief of Handelsblatt and correspondent in Washington and Dubai.

Irmgard BERNER
Cultural journalist in Berlin

Andreas FINK
Correspondent in Buenos Aires

Political scientist and professor of international relations at the Alexander Friedrich University in Erlangen-Nuremberg. He teaches at the Collège d'Europe in Bruges, among other places. Author of numerous books, most recently ‘Märkte, Macht und Wandel – Deutschlands geoökonomische Zeitenwende“

Dr Dietrich von KYAW
‍Ambassador (ret.), former Permanent Representative of Germany to the EU, author of the book ‘Deutschland und die Selbstbehauptung Europas

‍‍Andreas LANDWEHR
Head of the German Press Agency office in Beijing for 30 years. Before that, he worked for dpa in Washington DC, he was responsible for dpa's Asia-Pacific regional network until 2023. Honoured with the Liberty Award of the Reemtsma Foundation. Freelance author in Berlin since September 2024.

Prof Dr Stefan LIEBING
Managing Director of Conjuncta GmbH and Honorary Professor at the Centre for Business and Technology in Africa at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. 2011-2023 Chairman of the Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., 2014/2015 also Chairman of the European Business Council on Africa and the Mediterranean (EBCAM). In the summer semester of 2025, Liebing will take over the Hiob Ludolf Visiting Professorship at the University of Hamburg. He is involved on a voluntary basis as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the ReThinking Africa Foundation and as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Cameroon in Hamburg.

Prof Dr Thomas SCHMIDT
Co-Director of the Centre for Business and Technology in Africa and Professor of Information Systems at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, specialising in business application systems. Management consultant for strategy and implementation projects. Many years of experience in Africa with projects on university partnerships with technology transfer in logistics and information technology. He was a guest professor in the USA, Sweden, Finland, France and China previously.  

Dr Günther UNSER
Former professor of political science at RWTH Aachen University. Expert on international organisations, especially the European Union and the United Nations.

Slava Nikolaev
+49 30 4000 4630  

Haus der Bundespressekonferenz
Schiffbauerdamm 40 / 2407-2408
10117 Berlin

10001 Berlin
Unsere Leistungen
is a private journalistic initiative with topics, reports, interviews, background information and scheduling services in the diplomatic environment. It is a complement to market-dominating news agencies and other media where editorial offices are being merged and cost-cutting measures mean that many topics are not covered.

Independent, impartial
The editorial team is completely independent and impartial. . It is committed to the principle that journalists should not only talk to countries with Western values, but also to ‘God and the devil’. Conspiracy theories have no place here.

News for and from embassies provides its own editorial reports from the world of diplomacy, but also gives embassies a voice for their announcements.

The categories are as following:
News from the editorial team
News from the embassies
News from the government
News from the economy
News from the think tanks

The content of may be used by other media free of charge. The only condition is that the source is correctly cited ( We are happy to receive sample copies.
is the forum for press attachés of foreign embassies. The events take place at irregular intervals in the China Club or other locations. They help diplomats to network, familiarise themselves with the media scene in Germany and exchange experiences in dealing with German journalists.
is a TV talk show series on the capital city television channel TV Berlin, which is broadcasted in Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg and parts of Baden-Württemberg. Presenter Ewald König invites ambassadors who are accredited in Germany to his talk show. The conversation lasts just under half an hour, is recorded in the TV Berlin studio and is broadcast every Thursday at 7.30 pm.
offers recommendations that can be useful for ambassadors personally and for embassy staff. For example: What services can ambassadors expect from What should be considered in Berlin in particular when organising a reception for the national holidays? How does the placement of foreign skilled workers operate?
How can young diplomats from all over the world be trained in Germany? How do embassy announcements reach the public? How do press releases, press conferences and background discussions work? How can events be announced and invitations publicised? also includes a Black Board for job offers, property enquiries and other needs specific to diplomats.
keeps you up to date on what is being published in books and other publications on diplomacy.
Wer Erfahrungen in einem Journalistenbüro sammeln und im Recherchieren, Schreiben und Netzwerken im Haus der Bundespressekonferenz trainiert werden möchte, kann sich im Berliner Korrespondentenbüro um einen Praktikumsplatz bewerben. Auch ausländische Jungjournalisten, die die deutsche Medienlandschaft kennenlernen wollen, sind willkommen.

Anfragen mit Motivationsschreiben und Lebenslauf:
Tel. +49 30 4000 4631