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The diplomacy of military attachés

Diplomats in uniform as guests on the talk show “” on TV Berlin
January 17, 2025
December 20, 2024
From left to right: Frank Reimers, Commander Senior Grade (CSG) and Brigadier Peter Grünwald, defense attaché, Austria in, moderated by Ewald König @tvberlinOnline

We hear little about the work of military diplomats. Around 150 military and defense attachés are accredited in Germany alone. The diplomats in uniform belong to the Association of Foreign Military Attachés (VAM). At the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg), Frigate Captain Frank Reimers is responsible for looking after his foreign colleagues.

Moderator Ewald König talks to him and one of his foreign colleagues, Brigadier Peter Grünwald from Austria, in his talk show “”. On TV Berlin, the senior military officers explain their duties as officers and diplomats, how they establish contacts with comrades, obtain information, strengthen cooperation between the sending country and Germany, observe and analyze security and military policy developments and ultimately how they build trust.

The talk show in video

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